Probate Client Intake Form
This form is intended for clients who wish to retain our firm for applying for a grant of probate (if there is an existing will) or grant of administration (if the deceased died without a will).
In addition to filling out the form below, you will need to provide us
an inventory, which is a listing of the assets and debts of the estate
an original copy of the funeral director’s statement of death or government issued death certificate
the original will and any codicils (if applicable)
For the Inventory, we recommend creating a separate document such as a Word or Excel file, or you can submit the information in the body of an email, to The inventory should include the following details for each debt or asset at the date of death:
Debts - the name of the person or institution that the debt is owed to and the amount owed
Real estate - the residential address of the property, the legal description of the property (if known), and an approximate value
Financial assets (like bank accounts, investment accounts) - the account number, the type of account or asset, the institution name and address, and the value of the asset
Shares in public or private companies (owned outside of an investment account) - including the corporate name, the number and class of shares, and the value
Vehicles - including make, model, year
Special personal assets (personal property with substantive value, like art or collectibles) - description of the item and value
If you are prepared to proceed with the initial information, please complete and submit the below form: